Most, if not all of us, have issues with our bodies because it’s not beautiful, perfect or good enough.
Yet, no one is born with a clear understanding of what beautiful means. It’s complex, it’s subjective and something that clearly does not matter – that is until we have our first encounter with scrutiny. Maybe it happened on the playground – the moment realized your red hair was apparently not as “beautiful” as the other hair colours. Or it could have been in your first relationship where your boyfriend made it clear that your curves were not as appealing as you might have believed.
We have given others the power to determine our worth, our confidence and what we think about our own bodies. Our reality has become the product of the opinions of others. Why? Because we have forgotten our Creator. We have conformed to a world of perfect, we have believed the lies and we have mistaken uniqueness for inadequacy.
The truth will, however, always set you free. It all starts with acceptance, gratitude and an understanding of how to accentuate your beautiful characteristics. How you dress for your body shape is after all more important than the shape itself.
Once you are able to identify exactly what you have been blessed with, you can get to work. Let’s start with the basics. There are 6 basic body shapes:
Diamond: A woman who is carrying excess weight and has the appearance of being pregnant. Her waist is undefined, has a large high stomach, and usually has “love handles.” Her hips are narrow, and her upper thighs are thin.
Hourglass: The “perfectly proportioned” body type. This body type’s shoulders and hips are aligned with a defined waist.
Inverted Triangle: This body type’s upper body frame is usually larger in comparison to its narrow hips. This is due to a larger bust size our broad shoulders. This could lead to some in this category feeling short-waisted.
Oval: A woman who is carrying excess weight and who has the overall appearance of being round, especially in her torso area. Their waist is undefined, they have a large stomach and usually have “love handles”. The hips are broad the upper thighs generous.
Rectangle: The Rectangle has a columnar, boxy silhouette that is formed by a similar circumference of the bust, waist, and hips. The hips tend to be square, and often the arms and legs are proportionately slender.
Triangle: The triangle is the most common female horizontal category.
This is a woman who has a bottom-heavy frame arising from narrow shoulders, a small waist, and large hips. It is also common for her to have full thighs and a heavy bottom. estrogen in women will naturally apply weight to their hips, thighs, and buttocks.
The goal of defining a body type is to focus on accentuating the beautiful characteristics that you have received rather than fixating on what you feel you lack.
Let’s look at the Triangle shape for example. As explained above, a woman with this body type has narrow shoulders in comparison to a naturally bottom-heavy frame, she also has a beautifully defined waist. The objective in this case would be to use style & colour to create volume at the shoulders to bring the upper and lower body into balance and additionally to accentuate her defined waist.
A woman that is conscious and content with how she was created will leave a confident lasting impression on those around her, regardless of her body shape. Be that woman!
To book a style or colour consultation contact Milanie Stadler – milaniestadler@gmail.com